In this GIS blog I will be posting maps which I have prepared. Click on the maps to view a larger image. Sometimes you may have to click a second time on the map in order to bring the wording more into focus.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Week 5 Urban Planning and Impact Assessment

    Location Quotient Analysis of the Pewter City Region:

This study as part of an economic-based analysis of Pewter City to determine which industry sectors are important in the regional economy. This particular map emphasizes the economic performance of the agriculture,forestry, and fishing sector in the economy.
I had trouble with the editing process after I got the results of my query for the NumBasic field. I could not remember how to edit the NumBasic field!! And I still have not figured it out!

Social Identity Map With University Student Residency:

This map was created to help determine the concentration of university students  living in Pewter City.
I didn't have any problems with the production of this map.

Environmental Impact Assessment of Proposed Building Development:
This map was created to understand the probable impacts of a proposed building. Concerns included increased traffic congestion, noise, and declining aesthetic value of the environment. Affected areas are
termed the "zone of influence". 
This was an interesting project to work on. I had very few problems in creating this map.